"Live the Pirate's Life!" At the "World's Most Unique Interactive Dinner Show!"
Be shipped back in time and become part of an unforgettable live adventure.
Witness spectacular, stunts, dazzling special effects and amazing aerial acts.
This show is the perfect blend of comedy romance, action and adventure.
From the hilarious antics of the pirates to the magical dance of
the Golden Gypsy - the adventure never ends! 
While enjoying the show tuck into a sumptuous Pirate's Feast of Caribbean
delicacies, which will satisfy the largest of appetites.….All on board an
authentically replicated 18th century Spanish Galleon.
Don't miss latest dance crazes at the Buccaneer Bash Dance Party and
be sure to visit the Pirate's Maritime Museum.

A perfect evening of dining and adventure for young and old alike.

Pirate map
6400 Carrier Drive
Just Off International Drive
Orlando, FL

Toll Free

Reservations recommended
Call for Show Times

Visit Pirates Dinner Adventure 
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